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File audio composti filtrati rielaborati dal Maestro Walter Gatti. Le voci in inglese sono delle Prof.sse Roberta Alunni, Paola Brusasco, Paola Gomba
Traduzioni a cura della Prof.ssa Paola BRUSASCO
Laureata in Lingue e letterature straniere moderne, Paola Brusasco ha seguito un corso biennale di specializzazione in traduzione letteraria e successivamente ha conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca presso l'Università di Torino. Le sue aree di interesse riguardano la traduzione, l'analisi critica del discorso, la didattica dell'inglese, la linguistica cognitiva, gli studi postcoloniali.

Ha pubblicato le monografie Approaching Translation. Theoretical and Practical Issues (Torino: Celid, 2013), Writing Within/Without/About Sri Lanka. Discourses of Cartography, History and Translation in Selected Works by Michael Ondaatje and Carl Muller (Stuttgart: Ibidem, 2010) e articoli relativi ai campi d'indagine sopraccitati. Le sue traduzioni comprendono sia testi letterari di autori classici (E. Brontë, R. L. Stevenson, J. London) e contemporanei (R. Banks, C. Whitehead, C. Davidson), sia relazioni e processi verbali della Commissione e del Parlamento europe


Compositore di musica per coro, organo, clavicembalo, pianoforte e altri diversi organici; suoi lavori sono stati pubblicati in Italia (presso Musica Practica , Torino ), in Germania (presso Andreas Goldbach, St.Ingbert) e in Svizzera, per conto delle Editions Schola Cantorum, Fléurier. E' inoltre attento all'aspetto della didattica, per il quale, oltre ad apporti personali, sta dedicandosi ad alcuni lavori di traduzione di metodi stranieri. L'Università di Bamberg, in Germania, gli ha commissionato nel 2005 una fantasia per organo e orchestra su "Veni Creator Spiritus" , nel 2007 uno "Stabat Mater" e nel 2010 delle Variazioni per cello e orchestra. Per l'ensemble "Musici Errantes" ha musicato su commissione la fiaba "Lo stralisco" di Roberto Piumini.

Dal 1991 al 2009 ha diretto svariati gruppi corali ed orchestrali. Dal 2010 è direttore dello storico Coro Valdese di Torino.
Ha collaborato, in qualità di organista e compositore, con diverse compagini vocali e strumentali, tra le quali l'’orchestra ed il coro dell’Università di Bamberg in Germania, come organista e direttore con il coro ed Orchestra “Adoramus” di Londra, con il Coro “Roberto Goitre” di Torino. Ha al suo attivo inoltre collaborazioni con il Teatro Regio di Torino e con la RAI.


Moon Three Voices - Walter Gatti
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Moon Music - Walter Gatti
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Moon, moonlight, moody, shining mooness,
Slumbering peace, moonily unreal,
Superb yellow moonerb

Monday, milky and jovial,
Guitar, superb sound,
Sound vibrations
Depart, travel, bounce, come back.
Navel of sound pleasure.
It is satellite (Moon)
It is the basaltic sea of ​​tranquility
It is an ocean of storms,
Inconsistent, always

As Mercury the Earth

I walk slow, heavy steps,

Light, subtle, and persuasive of light waves.

I  (MI/E) sound, I see myself, I feel
I am


Mercury Three Voices - Walter Gatti
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Mercury Music - Walter Gatti
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Drinking the blue sky
The sound waves are amplified
And run, swallowing everything.

I find myself between ice and fire
Sex and love
Evil greed and loyalty

The mad sheep cry out loud
anarchic trumpets
The covetousness of what is fake is their steed
They dance, they jump, in the Caloris
Jurojin is with them, it is a God, but .....


Desire to be the man who was not born
Desire for words for art, science and every form that grows.
dry legume that water revives

Desire to weave a copper web:
Protection and care that rules electromagnets,
Joyful and sparkling of an extraterrestrial life
Men or extra?

A round of Sol (SOL/G) as the mother star
Music at the center, and us,
Rotating questions, we move.


Venus Paola Brusasco - Walter Gatti
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Venus Music - Walter Gatti
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Origin of life, of the world
Where do we come from? Sound of lyre
Who are we?

I'm here, more beautiful, bright, non-star
Active fulcrum
Clouds of sulfuric acid in aqueous solution
Evaporation of tired carbohydrates
Ended up in a valley: Eistla Regio


Farther on, volcanoes, bored and indifferent
Guia and Tif Mons, remain motionless, slothful, negligent
They denigrate the meaning of life and the planet


9 months he rotates with the sun
9 months, cycle of wheat and woman for a
Baby 25 ° heart and soil
Then Adult 25 ° heart and soil
And then Old  25° heart and soil

Pregnant Indigo sky and point for the mind
Head in the center
The fontanelle
Of a child in the cradle
Cold iron protects him
and the God of Fortune follows him
And throws flowers, under his feet

Soul, yes (SI/B), alone, towards the blinding sun.

Sun Paola Gomba - Walter Gatti
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Sun Music - Walter Gatti
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Light heat, star
Warms the soul, the heart, the ground
Day of the sun ..
Mother of life Francis sings divine

Nuclear fusion, the gleam of silver
Perfect gas, imperfect men
Anaphora of who, cyclically 12 (souls)
Arithmetic central almong the seven liberal arts,

God of the arts
But arithmetic is science and love is poetry
lustful contrast
Scent of time present and alive
Absolute intelligences:

two circles of sousaphone

King (Re/D) sun dominates with his crown
Hunting and burning electrons, protons
Vital proteins
Solar wind breathes hydrogen into helium
And every morning and evening molecule vibrates.

Closed body as the Milky Way
Lumbar position

In the orange hour of the dying day


Mars three voices - Walter Gatti
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Mars music - Walter Gatti
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Wind of fire and flames
Draw skulls in the sky,
Dancing in a light that illuminates craters
Greenhouse effect... frost creates (FA/F)...
Cold effect of the anima-animal
Raw avarice of love
Heart closed in the sternum cage
And sharp teeth
Wild white beasts and fierce black beasts
Advance against each other

Sharks snapping fish in pond lakes
And flooded ponds mourn bodies

Drums of living bones
Sound the retreat
Tired drums....
The war is over
No winner and no loser
Only a desert of lonely souls
In a green sky
Of an almost unreal silence


Jupiter Roberta Alunni - Walter Gatti
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Jupiter Music - Walter Gatti
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Gray desert .... Stone Flowers and silence
A veil of haze .. purple silhouettes

Of helpless bodies
Infinite silence
I close my eyes and the 3rd eye sees
The inability of men to observe and perceive,
Between the God of money,

The God of popularity,
Power, career, envy
Envy, career, power
The essence of life

Gaseous giant and magnetosphere

With a heart of iron
You protect us
And we, our hearts of lead
Mechanics that only beats inside
We do not feel the joy of giving:
Love’s vitamin

The (LA/A) Great Red Spot,
A heart too
Reminds me that I'm a little beat of the

A foreigner in a jovial land,
thirsty for dreams and utopias
I neglect this unaware failed sun
and plunge into the stellar abyss


Saturn Three voices - Walter Gatti
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Saturn Music - Walter Gatti
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Saturday - SATURN

Zero gravity ... I approach ...
I fly in a vortex ...around ... Light ...
Rings divided into seven bands,

icy planetary Rings,
I slide,
Irascible coccyx
satellites revolve and Titan welcomes me.
I pause my eye:
retrograde motion
like rewinding a space tape
Memories of dead and lead hearts:

The God of War triumphs
Memories that warm like solar wind and gestational womb
Memories of mad sheep and idyllic sound vibrations
(Do /C) ? First note?

Primitive scent of my origins
Drums, primitive sound


On the golden stairs, biblical motif,

angels in contemplation.

And I remember the love of peace, justice ,

the warmth of a smile

big laughs with friends and red sunsets

I remember the scent of the sea, cut grass,

the taste of a hand in my hand,

lips on the lips of the world and the Earth.


I set my feet

solid ground


I'm home.

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